How to Measure for Wallpaper

Adding wallpaper to a room can instantly transform its look and feel. However, to achieve a polished result, it is crucial to measure the walls accurately before making a purchase. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to measure for wallpaper:

1. Measure the Wall Height

Using a tape measure, determine the height of the wall from floor to ceiling. Measure at multiple points across the wall, as ceilings and floors may not always be level.

2. Calculate the Total Wall Width

Measure the total width of the wall by adding together the width of each wall that will be covered with wallpaper. Again, measure at various points to account for any variations.

3. Consider Pattern Repeats

If your chosen wallpaper has a pattern, you will need to account for pattern repeats. Check the wallpaper label for this information and adjust your measurements accordingly.

4. Account for Doors and Windows

Subtract the area of doors and windows from your total wall measurements to ensure you purchase the correct amount of wallpaper. Remember to measure both the width and height of any openings.

5. Add Extra for Pattern Matching and Errors

It is recommended to add a little extra to your measurements to accommodate for pattern matching and any errors during installation. This extra amount can vary but is typically between 5-10%.

6. Consult with a Professional

If you are unsure about measuring or calculating the required amount of wallpaper, it is always best to consult with a professional. They can provide guidance based on the specific wallpaper you have chosen and the layout of your space.

By following these steps and taking accurate measurements, you can ensure that you purchase the right amount of wallpaper for your project, without the risk of running short or having excess material. This will help you achieve a seamless and professional-looking finish that enhances the overall aesthetic of your room.

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